Sales Insights – Avoid coffee tourism

It may be time to buy shares in a coffee company. When the current challenge is finally behind us, salespeople will be on turbo. Diaries will fill up, phones will be red hot, a backlog of months of customer meetings will be arranged via a deluge of Outlook calendar invites. Megalitres of caffeine will be consumed as the coffee tourism carousel begins to revolve once more. Smart organizations however, will abstain from this unproductive and redundant habit. It doesn’t win much more business than was likely to come inbound.

Intuitive organizations have already rethought their market approach and will be implementing a new programme of customer interaction.

Technology, the long-time bête noire of the salesperson, will find itself centre-stage in driving effective, eco-friendly and cost-efficient sales activities. Those organizations which get round to thinking about it when things return to what shortly passes for normal, will have arrived at the gig just as the band finished its third encore. It’s already happening and if you haven’t seen that, smell the coffee.

Sales tips

  • Don’t go back to what you did before.
  • Make smart choices and break old habits.
  • Analyse which sales activities customers want and are most effective.