Sales Leadership Essentials

About the course

Top performing sales professionals are quite often moved into sales leadership roles because of their exceptional selling skills…and then fail. Sales leadership and exceptional selling skills are two different things.  With the right training exceptional sales professionals can turn into exceptional sales leaders.  Our Sales Leadership Essentials virtual course will give sales leaders:

  • A proven sales management methodology for improving individual and team performance.
  • The ability to coach team members to sales success.
  • An understanding of how to give feedback that is understood and acted upon.
  • A highly effective process for reviewing performance.

Virtual Delivery & Cost

This programme is run over two weeks as 4 x 2.5 hours VILT sessions, supported by a half hour onboarding session and an online learning path with eLearning modules and assignments. The cost of this virtual sales training course is £995 + VAT.

We want to reassure you that the wellbeing of our clients and employees is at the forefront of everything we do. Our Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) offers a stimulating skills development experience with instructor and participants in separate locations. Virtual training eliminates close contact with others, travel and accommodation costs and minimises business disruption though shorter sessions spread out over a longer period.

What will the virtual course cover?

The main topics covered during the virtual masterclass sessions include:

  • Role of the Sales Leader
  • Working remotely and in the field
  • Coaching
  • Giving Feedback
  • Monitoring & Managing Performance
  • Effective Team Meetings
Customized solution

Do you need another date option? Does your company have a lot of people wishing to join? Let us create a customized solution for you!

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Customized solution

Do you need another date option? Does your company have a lot of people wishing to join? Let us create a customized solution for you!

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