Exposed to anything for long enough, it may start to become believable, even if previous experience and instinct argues to the contrary. Almost two years on, organizations are gingerly revisiting face to face training. Educators and learners alike are re-engaging with a delivery mechanism which has been the default setting for decades but appeared to have finally had its day. During lockdown, even those with huge experience of supply and consumption were quietly repeating the mantra
Face – to – face – is – dead, di – gi – tal – is – king.
Although expedient under the circumstances, with growing clarity, we began to recognize something was missing and, that the mantra was inaccurate. Online sessions, no matter how well managed, are difficult to ignite. Sometimes it’s like trying to start a fire in a high wind with soggy cardboard. Learners are late, they don’t switch on their cameras, they don’t want to ask questions. Occasionally people float by en route elsewhere, doorbells ring, dogs bark and children scream. Members of the group appear as back-lit silhouettes whilst others, unfortunately forget they are on camera. This can expose everyone to embarrassing, alarming, funny or downright bizarre sights whilst the perpetrators remain oblivious. One-hour sessions can feel like a full morning and trainers with underdeveloped IT skills bumble through regardless. You’ve been there and don’t need reminding.
Conditioned by this sometimes below par experience, it has been refreshing to rediscover the power of the training room. Having dallied with an alternative, fully virtual future, Mercuri has consciously chosen to once more, step into the reality of the classroom. Although virtual delivery retains an important place in our toolkit, recent energizing and enabling sessions swung the pendulum back. We should not turn the clock back completely, but enough to make every option of delivery a consideration in our mission to deliver outstanding learner experience.
We love the buzz and crackle of a face-to-face session. Immersive discussions, a fully engaged group, energy and the fun of being together and learning from everyone in the room is impossible to replicate using a screen and camera.
We hope to see you in the training room very soon. It’s great to be back!

We would recommend a blend of delivery including virtual and face-to-face but we understand that this is not always possible. Speak to us about the options available and what we can do to support our apprentices.