Our global Sales Excellence survey explores the secrets of success:
- Each member of the sales team has a systematic account management planning process for each of their customers.
- The sales strategy is clearly defined and documented in writing.
- There is a detailed description of the steps of our sales processes documented in written form.
- Our CRM tools are an integral part of the company, populated with relevant information and regularly updated by our sales teams.

These are just of the sales excellence factors that high performing companies are doing. Mercuri’s global Sales Excellence survey highlights sales practices in which top performing companies excel offering pointers to what drives sales excellence regardless of sector, size or economic conditions, in ways that could help model and replicate their success.
“I am sure the survey will enable you to arrive at some valuable secrets of sales excellence to work towards.”
Frank Herbertz, CEO, Mercuri International
The survey covers 926 respondents from 20 Countries, capturing voices from more than 500 enterprises worldwide, across 13 industry categories.
Strategic focus on sales
Top performers leverage the strategic value of sales. They ensure that their corporate strategies include explicit sales elements. With clearly defined sales strategies documented in writing for consistency of communication, these companies favour a cross functional approach between sales and other teams, to address customer requirements holistically.
Smart use of technology
Top performing companies have a well equipped and updated Customer Relationship Management tool and come up with Customer centric approaches. They also blend class room training with virtual learning to develop their sales teams.
Process orientation
Best performing companies ensure that a meticulously laid out account management plan is in place for all and each customer. They place a premium on flawless sales execution towards which they document sales processes supported by appropriate training modules, checklists and instruments.
Strong sales culture
The survey shows that the sales function enjoys an excellent image in top performer companies. The intrinsic pride of belonging to such an environment in itself could be a powerful driver of performance for sales people.
3 lenses: Taking a closer look at sales excellence
Besides offering the big picture through the global lens, the survey uses three other lenses to take a closer look at drivers of sales excellence: Position of respondent in the Organization, Size of Sales Organization and Nature of industry.
Receive a copy of the report
Please contact Mercuri to receive a complete report of the Sales Excellence Survey.

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