Join Barry Hilton during National Apprenticeship Week for a fast-paced 30-minute training session sharing three vital life-skills which build confidence, strengthen relationships and achieve goals.
Filter out the nay-sayers, switch off the blues forecast and ditch the doom-scrollers.
2023 will be what you make it. Join us and learn some easy to implement ideas to get happy, be sharper and achieve more.
As these are life-skills, they can be applied in your work or personal orbit. Begin to use them the minute the session is over. All you need to do is apply the mantra; Do more? Do less? Do different?

The session is highly interactive and packed with take aways. Whether you’re in Leadership, Service, Sales, Project Management, Administration or, simply want to grab some new ideas to beat the challenges of everyday life, join us. This session, delivered by Barry Hilton of Mercuri International, will give you energy, ideas and inspiration!

Barry Hilton, Managing Director, Mercuri International
Barry has been with Mercuri International since 1997 and has led the UK arm of this international company since 2009.
Mercuri deliver Level 3-5 apprenticeships in specialist business to business disciplines such as Sales and Leadership as well as non-customer facing roles. This division of the organization was set up in 2018 as the spectrum of available apprenticeships broadened to include several areas of Mercuri’s core competence accrued over 60 years of supporting clients on a global basis.
Barry has extensive and continuous international experience training, coaching and mentoring clients directly and through his support of consultant teams across cultures in Europe, The Middle East, Asia and the Americas. Barry’s sector experience includes Logistics, Finance, Technology, Engineering, Manufacturing, and Food/Beverage.